Senior Photo Session
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Wednesday, August 11, 2021
By Doug Burke Photography
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When should you do your senior photo session? For those in their senior year, the best time to take senior photos is now.

When Should You Do Your Senior Photo Session?

It is always better to take an early start to your senior photos so that you can choose the best venue and photographer. You will need to look around to find the best photographer who has a knack for capturing the most flattering photos. The photographer will show you several venues so that you can find the perfect background for your best photos to date.

There is nothing to be gained by putting off what will arguably be the most important pictures of your life. You could become busy later on, and it might be harder to take your senior photos. You should try taking senior photos as early as possible so that you do not have to rush them later on.

Senior Photo Prep

There are prior preparations to take care of before you can snap your best pics. You will need the finest wardrobe that suits you well. You should also schedule hair appointments for the ideal hairstyle that will make you proud.

There is no harm in discussing all of this with your photographer since they have long experience in the field and have a sound idea of what works.

You should also take note of the yearbook deadline to submit your best senior photo.

Senior Photo Venues

For outdoor senior photos, you will have to take into account the weather. If it is too hot or too cold, then this could adversely affect your mood. Your photos may be less than ideal if the going gets tough. And besides, apart from taking the most flattering photos, you should also enjoy the photo session.

You should make a list of venues that you prefer, like urban settings and natural backgrounds. Your photographer can provide much help in this regard.

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