Graduation announcement etiquette is imperative if you want to avoid awkwardness or inconvenience following graduation.
Here is what you need to know about graduation announcement etiquette.
Graduation Announcement and Gifts
Sending a graduation announcement is not supposed to mean that recipients must lavish gifts upon you.
However, there are many who feel obliged to send valuable gifts after receiving a graduation announcement. Thus, you should send such an announcement to those who you think will be more than pleased to send gifts like best friends and close relatives.
Thus, it is best to send graduation announcements to those who are regularly in touch with. Thus, if you will send a holiday card to a person, then you can think of sending them a graduation announcement.
If you receive a graduation announcement and a cordial invitation to attend the graduation party, then you should take a valuable gift you for the graduate. You can bring it with you during the party. Some people have the gift delivered prior to the graduation party.
The kind of gift that you choose is of course important. You should put yourself in the graduate’s shoes and think of what they would need at this point in time. A gift that serves such a purpose will almost certainly be welcome.
In case you are unsure, you can send a pre-paid debit card or money as a gift. Some people might think that money is a bit impersonal as a gift but the truth is that it is always welcome and people always have a need for it. So it is certainly a safe bet.
Graduation parties can be different due to their nature. Since graduates may have to attend other parties, they may not remain for too long. But they should remain long enough to welcome and wish all guests.